YBrs. Tuan Ahmad Zairin Ismail
Chairman of Authority
YBrs. Tuan Ahmad Zairin Ismail was appointed as the Chairman of the Authority on the 15th May 2023.
He carries with him more than 20 years of experience in the energy industry. An engineer by training, he began his career as a Development Engineer, and later, he was promoted to Senior Manager, heading the New Model Development and Sales Engineering Unit in a multinational company.
His professional career encompasses the energy industry began when YBrs. Tuan Ahmad Zairin joined the Malaysia Energy Centre (Pusat Tenaga Malaysia) in year 1999, a non-profit organisation administered by the Ministry of Energy Malaysia to pioneer various national initiatives in Energy Efficiency (EE) and Renewable Energy (RE) in Malaysia.
Until early 2015, he held the position of Chief Operating Officer/Sr. Vice President of the Malaysian Green Technology Corporation (MGTC). His areas of responsibility included Built Environment, Green Financing, My Green Procurement, and the Low Carbon Cities programmes. He also oversaw the implementation of the UNDP/GEF-funded National Industrial Energy Efficiency Improvement Project and the Biomass Power Generation and Cogeneration Project in the Palm Oil Industry.
He was also instrumental in securing the EU-ASEAN Energy Facility (EAEF-2006) funding to engage EU low-energy building experts in the Development and Construction of the first Certified Green Energy Office in Malaysia named the Zero Energy Office (ZEO) in Bangi, Selangor.
His last appointment was National Project Coordinator (2018-2020) at Malaysia’s Energy Efficient Low Carbon Transport Project. Prior to the appointment, he was National Project Manager (2016- 2018) for the Building Sector Energy Efficiency Project implemented by the Public Works Department (JKR), funded by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Global Environment Facility (GEF).
Currently, YBrs. Tuan Ahmad Zairin serves as the National Project Coordinator for the UNIDO Project (jointly administered by UNIDO HQ, MITI Malaysia and the Korea Energy Agency) on Coping with Climate Change through Policy Consultation in EE and RE.
Recognised for his exceptional leadership in the energy sector, YBrs. Tuan Ahmad Zairin was honoured with the ‘Excellence in Energy Management’ award as part of the ASEAN Energy Cooperation Programme and he has been certified as a Training Professional by the Institute of Professional Managers and Administrators in the United Kingdom.
YBrs. Tuan Ahmad Zairin graduated from the University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, with a Bachelor of Engineering Degree (Electronics) in 1984 and a Master‘s Degree in Business Administration (MBA) from Universiti Putra Malaysia in 1995.